Why J&E Case Management?
Cost Savings
Good case management can save you money. It can ensure that patients get the treatment they need to get back to work as effeciently as possible.
Our case managers communicate well with all parties. Good communication helps keep patients on the proper course toward treatment.
Three Levels of Case Management
Level 1
To help control costs, J&E Case Management offers three levels of case managment servcies to clients.
Minimal case management involvement: contact client by phone, assess and provide a resource number for questions, monitor progress.
Level 2
Modified involvement: coordinate referral to a specialist for probable surgical intervention or advanced treatment intervention such as injections. No questions as to causation , no pre-existing or complicating conditions.
Level 3
Maximum case manager involvement: complicated or multiple injuries, pre-existing conditions, extenuating factors, non-compliance, difficult personality, multiple treating physicians.